Educational Articles
Is your dog lovable, smart, and obedient? Is she/he also really good-looking? If you want others to know just how great your dog is, perhaps you should consider showing them off!
Dogs can become stressed just as we can. Since we know how stress makes us feel, we want to help lessen our pet’s feelings of stress too. There are many signs of stress that can mimic normal dog behaviors. Being aware of your dog’s regular demeanor allows you to understand changes in behavior that may indicate stress. If your dog becomes consistently stressed, see your veterinarian.
Sildenafil is given by mouth or injection and is used off label to treat high blood pressure in the lungs or to treat megaesophagus. Give as directed. Side effects are uncommon but may include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, or skin redness in the groin area. Do not use in pets that are allergic to it or pets that take nitrate medications. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinarian.
Silver sulfadiazine topical is an antimicrobial used to treat skin infections and burns in cats, dogs, and exotic pets. It is used off label in veterinary medicine. Silver sulfadiazine topical comes in a topical cream.
Papillomas are benign, sometimes multiple, tumors caused by viruses. They are commonly known as “warts”. The tumors often disappear spontaneously because the animal slowly develops immunity to them.
A biopsy is one of the more common diagnostic procedures performed in dogs. Biopsies provide valuable insight into the type of cells in an abnormal area of skin or a skin growth and whether the growth poses a more serious health threat to your pet. Either the entire mass or a small representative section of skin is removed and submitted to a veterinary pathologist, who will perform a histopathology analysis. The pathologist will attempt to determine the nature of the lesion, identify the type of cells and their relationship to each other, as well as any evidence of malignancy.
The histiocyte group of cells are part of the body’s immune surveillance system. They take up and process foreign antigens, such as pollens and viral, bacterial and fungal microorganisms.
Skunks spray volatile compounds from their anal sacs if they feel threatened by a potential predator such as a dog. If sprayed in the face your dog may need veterinary care, as corneal damage can occur if sprayed in the eyes, and vomiting, diarrhea, or anemia can result if sprayed in the mouth.
Slippery elm is given by mouth and is used over the counter to treat cough and stomach upset. Give as directed by your veterinarian. There are no known side effects. Do not use in pets that are allergic, pregnant, or nursing. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.
Smoke inhalation injuries are caused by a combination of heat and airborne toxins. Clinical signs of smoke inhalation vary, depending on the materials contained within the smoke and how much smoke the dog inhales. Common signs include coughing, shortness of breath, eye injuries, and burns. Neurologic signs can also occur, especially in cases of carbon monoxide inhalation. Treatment typically involves oxygen therapy and other supportive care measures.