Educational Articles
An aural hematoma is a collection of blood between the cartilage and skin of the ear flap. It is most likely caused by trauma but can also be due to a bleeding disorder. If an underlying cause is determined such as infection, this needs to be treated as well. Hematomas may eventually resolve on their own, but there is a risk of permanent damage and they are painful, so prompt treatment is recommended.
Hepatic encephalopathy is a neurologic condition in cats and dogs that is caused by an underlying liver condition. It can cause lethargy, seizures, problems with balance and coordination, and coma. Common causes, methods to diagnose the condition, and its treatment options are explained in this handout.
Hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver syndrome, is unique to cats and is one of the most common liver diseases seen in cats. Usually a cat with hepatic lipidosis has recently gone through a period of anorexia (little or no eating) for 3 to 4 consecutive days. Diagnosis of hepatic lipidosis is made from blood tests that demonstrate poor liver function and/or from a liver biopsy or fine needle aspirate. Hepatic lipidosis is treatable with aggressive nutritional support until a normal appetite returns. Treating the underlying initial cause of the inappetence is also essential for full recovery.
Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) is an infectious disease caused by feline herpesvirus type-1. It is a major cause of upper respiratory disease in cats and is the most common cause of conjunctivitis. The typical symptoms of FVR involve the nose, throat, and eyes, and include sneezing, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, excessive blinking, squinting, and discharges from the eyes and nose that range from clear and watery to thick and purulent (containing yellow/green pus). Treatment consists of supportive care, hydration of the environment, and control of secondary bacterial infections with antibiotics and antibiotic eye medications. An effective vaccine exists and is recommended for all cats.
While the holidays add excitement to the winter months, we cannot forget about indoor and outdoor toxins frequently seen at this time of year. Keeping your pets healthy and safe will help keep the holidays stress free.
Home renovation can be arduous for every member of the household. Both pet owners and pets can be stressed during the construction process. Pets are faced with many potential hazards in a construction site. Pets can also interfere with construction workers and pose a safety risk to them. Awareness of possible construction site problems will help home owners avoid pet-related issues. Knowing how to deal with problems that do occur will minimize health risks for pets. A little planning can make the renovation process run more smoothly for workers, home owners, and pets.
Hookworm is a parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract of cats. Their name is derived from the hook-like mouthparts they use to anchor themselves to the lining of the intestinal wall. How the infection is spread along with clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention are covered in this handout.
Since cats are living longer and longer, they are also experiencing the deterioration and debilitation that goes along with aging. This includes the development of osteoarthritis. No one is in a better position to identify the subtle changes in behavior that may signal pain than human family members. You may observe changes in the following: vocalization, daily activities, daily habits, facial expressions, or posture. Your cat may show uncharacteristic behavior to other pets or family members. If you notice any of these changes, contact your veterinarian.
Baths should be performed in a comfortably warm area, using lukewarm water. Medicated shampoo should be applied to a clean, wet coat, so start by thoroughly rinsing your cat with lukewarm water. Shampoo should be worked into the coat thoroughly and allowed to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing unless directed otherwise by your veterinarian.
Cats are very good at hiding signs of pain, so cat owners need to be very observant to recognize behavior changes that indicate their cat needs help. Some of the most common behavior changes are associated with grooming and litter box habits. This handout describes these and other changes to watch for, as well as advice on how to support your aging cat.