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Dogs + Pet Services

  • Pigmentary keratitis is a discoloration of the cornea due to chronic inflammation and is most common in brachycephalic breeds. In many cases, complete resolution cannot be achieved, but the condition can be stopped or slowed down if the underlying cause can be identified and treated. Surgery and medications may be used to help address the problem.

  • Pituitary macroadenomas are large tumors of the pituitary gland that are either functional (secrete hormones) or non-functional (do not secrete hormones). The most common functional pituitary macroadenoma in the dog secretes the hormone ACTH, causing increased cortisol levels and Cushing’s disease. Non-functional macroadenomas cause clinical signs through compression of nearby structures resulting in vision changes, diabetes insipidus, and neurologic disorders. This handout explains the effects of these tumors on dogs, how they are diagnosed, and the treatment options available.

  • Plasma cell tumors develop as a result of dysregulated production of plasma cells and are relatively uncommon in dogs and cats. Some plasma cell tumors are benign and the most common locations for these tumors are the head, feet, lips, mouth, and ears. The treatment of choice for benign plasma cell tumors is surgical removal, with little to no recurrence if completely excised. Conversely, multiple myeloma is a very malignant cancer that is usually treated with chemotherapy.

  • Pleural effusion refers to the abnormal accumulation of fluid within the chest cavity. The fluid is not found within the lungs, but instead within the pleural sac, essentially meaning the lungs are floating in a chest that is full of fluid. There are several causes, including chylothorax, heart failure, and lung or chest tumors. Dogs presenting for pleural effusion are often experiencing shortness of breath and decreased oxygen intake; placing them into an oxygen cage provides some degree of immediate relief. Removing the fluid that surrounds the lungs will allow the dog to breathe more readily and this fluid can then be tested to identify the cause of the pleural effusion. The treatment and prognosis vary depending on the underlying cause.

  • Pododermatitis is a term used to describe inflammation of the feet or paws. It can be caused by many disorders including infections, allergies, hormonal disorders, immune-mediated diseases, tumors or cancers. Diagnostic testing is discussed. Effective treatment must be directed toward the underlying cause.

  • Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan is an injectable disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) used to treat non-infectious and traumatic arthritis in dogs. It is also used off-label in cats and small mammals. If administering this medication at home, follow your veterinarian’s instructions and dispose of the needle and syringe appropriately. Side effects are rare when given according to label recommendations and at prescribed intervals. Do not use this medication in pets with a known hypersensitivity to it, in pets with known or suspected bleeding disorders or immune-mediated arthritis, or in pets with severe kidney or liver disorders.

  • Guarding desired items can be a normal behavior in dogs, but when it escalates, the safety of both people and animals is compromised. Exercises to prevent and reverse guarding behavior can be beneficial to any dog. Professional guidance is needed for any dog who repeatedly conflicts with people or pets because of guarding behavior.

  • Special care must be taken when your dog comes home after an operation to ensure the incision area stays clean and dry and heals properly. Some signs are cause for concern, and if observed, call your veterinarian right away.

  • Prazosin is given by mouth and is used to reduce urinary sphincter tone to relax the bladder and allow easier urination in dogs and cats. It may also be used as a treatment for congestive heart failure, systemic hypertension, or pulmonary hypertension in dogs. Give as directed. Common side effects include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and constipation. This medication should be used with caution in pets with kidney disease or other conditions that cause low blood pressure, as well as in MDR1-positive dogs. If a negative reaction occurs, contact your veterinarian.

  • Although uncommon, cats and dogs are at risk for several diseases during the two months of their pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia occurs if the mothers cannot keep up with the demand for calcium to produce bones and milk. Gestational diabetes can occur due to high concentrations of hormones and result in increased drinking, urination, inappropriate weight loss and lethargy. Mastitis is a bacterial infection of one or more mammary glands that is contracted either through the blood (sepsis) or from the external environment from unsanitary conditions and/or injury from babies’ teeth or nails. Retained placentas can occur and will result in lethargy, pyrexia and abnormal vulvar discharge. Be aware of the signs, symptoms and management for all four conditions.