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Medical Conditions

  • Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan parasite transmitted by sandflies and is most commonly seen in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and South and Central America. It has been reported in some parts of the United States. Clinical signs include hard skin nodules, weakness, decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and more. Diagnosis is based on travel history, clinical signs, and diagnostic testing. The goal of treatment is to resolve clinical signs. Prognosis is guarded to grave depending on the severity of the disease.

  • This handout discusses lens luxation in dogs. The lens is the transparent structure within the eye that focuses light on the retina. Lens luxation is when the support ligaments of the lens weaken or break, causing the lens to dislocate from its normal position. The various types, clinical signs, heredity of the condition, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are outlined.

  • Lenticular sclerosis is the term for a bluish, transparent haze that develops in the lens of the eye in middle-aged to senior cats. Vision does not appear to be significantly affected. While the exact mechanism is poorly understood, it appears that the lens gradually becomes denser or harder with age. There is no specific treatment for lenticular sclerosis, nor is treatment necessary.

  • Lenticular sclerosis is the term for a bluish, transparent haze that develops in the lens of the eye in middle-aged to senior dogs. Vision does not appear to be significantly affected. While the exact mechanism is poorly understood, it appears that the lens gradually becomes denser or harder with age. There is no specific treatment for lenticular sclerosis, nor is treatment necessary.

  • Lick granuloma in dogs, also known as acral lick dermatitis, is a condition manifested as chronic licking of an area of skin, usually on the forelimbs. This condition is thought to be both physical and psychological in nature. While the condition can be frustrating to get under control, most cases of lick granulomas can be successfully treated if the owner is willing to pursue extended tests and treatments.

  • One particularly dangerous type of foreign body in cats is a linear foreign body: a long, thin object such as string, yarn, or tinsel. If one end of the linear foreign body becomes lodged in the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal perforation may occur due to bunching up of the intestines. The most common signs of a linear foreign body include vomiting, anorexia (refusal to eat), dehydration, and lethargy. If your veterinarian suspects a linear foreign body, your cat will need an exploratory laparotomy (abdominal surgery).

  • The liver is an important organ necessary for controlling many different body functions. Signs of liver disease include increased drinking and urination, abdominal swelling, jaundice, digestive upset, and weight loss. Because of the varied actions of the liver there are several blood and urinary tests that can reveal liver disease. Imaging can be used to determine if there is a change in liver size or irregularity in liver tissue. Ultimately, a liver biopsy is often needed to definitively diagnose liver disease. A biopsy may be obtained by fine needle aspiration through the body wall or a surgical biopsy may be necessary. Anesthesia in a cat with liver disease will carry increased risk but often is relatively low. Treatment of liver disease depends on the diagnosis, but sometimes specific diets are recommended to help manage or slow the disease.

  • Liver disease can occur in any avian species but is most common in cockatiels, budgies, Amazon parrots, lories, and mynah birds. Because the typical clinical signs are non-specific and descriptive of many different diseases, diagnostic tests are highly recommended. Treatment options depend on the diagnosis and can range from diet modification to hospitalization.

  • Cats can have hearing loss due to increasing age or chronic ear infections, or they may be born with a defect. Deafness in cats can present some challenges, but overall they can have healthy, normal lives. It is possible to teach your cat household routines by using hand signals and body language. It is important to take their deafness into account when considering their safety, and they must remain indoors or in outdoor enclosures.

  • Dogs can have hearing loss due to increasing age or chronic ear infections, or they may be born with a defect. Deafness in dogs can present some challenges, but overall they can have healthy, normal lives. Training is still possible by making some modifications and incorporating hand signals. It is important to take their deafness into account when considering their safety and ensure that they are never off leash on or near a street.