Educational Articles
Dog food has been made so palatable that it can easily create gluttonous behavior. Meal feeding and portion control are important to prevent obesity. Owners should not give in to begging behavior. Dogs that are still hungry after their meal can be supplemented with snacks such as green vegetables recommended by your veterinarian. Dogs that eat too quickly can be fed creatively to slow down eating.
The goal of feeding growing puppies is to lay the foundation for a healthy adulthood. Proper nutrition is critical to the health and development of puppies, and it directly influences their immune system and body composition. Work with your veterinary healthcare team to give your puppy the best chance for success at growing into a healthy adult dog.
Dogs and cats have different nutrient requirements, which is why separate commercial pet foods are made for each species. Even pets of the same breed or body weight have unique calorie needs, so pet parents should feed them in separate bowls to avoid having any pets gain or lose weight. Diets designed for young growing puppies or kittens are different from adult dog or cat foods, so pups/kittens should be fed separately from adults until around the age of 11-12 months. Body condition scoring should be a part of regular monitoring to make sure each pet does not gain (or lose) weight.
Orphaned puppies need extra care to compensate for the absence of their mother, and this article outlines the basics, including how and what to feed, how to monitor their weight, how to help them eliminate, and how to keep them safe from infection.
Senior dogs should be assessed by a veterinarian at least every six months. A nutritional assessment can help the veterinarian identify changing energy or nutrient requirements, which may warrant a diet change. Senior diets vary widely in nutrient profiles as there are no established standards. It remains vital that older dogs stay well hydrated. Recommendations for senior dog diets need to be based on regular evaluations and discussion between veterinarian and owner.
Interactive feeders that require a pet to think and work for their food call upon pets’ natural instincts to hunt or forage. Besides being fun, these food puzzles may help both physical and behavioral problems in cats and dogs. When used correctly, interactive feeders may benefit pets that eat too quickly, become bored when alone, or suffer from separation anxiety.
This handout discusses the need for ensuring your pregnant dog is receiving adequate nutrition to make sure both she and her puppies thrive during this time of increased demands on her body. Feeding and diet suggestions are provided.
Special attention must be given to a dog's nutrition during her pregnancy to ensure the birth of healthy puppies. It is important to maintain a good body condition throughout pregnancy; this is achieved with regular monitoring. This handout outlines a pregnant dog’s unique nutritional needs and how to meet them, ensuring a healthy mother and pups.
Each dog is an individual and one standard feeding plan may not work for every pet, but following a set schedule can be beneficial for a number of reasons. For most dogs, two meals per day is best. The use of food toys or interactive feeders can add interest to your dog's mealtime. Routines help your dog adjust to changes that may occur in your home and allow you to monitor their health.
With all cancer management strategies, providing optimal nutrition for your dog is essential. The metabolic effects of cancer will persist after treatment but with your veterinarian’s guidance, you can adjust your dog’s nutrient profile and potentially avoid some of these negative side effects. Carbohydrates promote cancer cell growth, while cancer cells have a difficult time using fat as an energy source, so foods that are relatively high in fat and low in carbohydrate may benefit dogs with cancer. The effects of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy will be considered when your veterinarian advises a nutrient profile, formulation, quantity, and delivery method for your dog.