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  • The pancreas is a vital organ that produces enzymes to assist in food digestion and hormones such as insulin, which regulates blood sugar or glucose metabolism. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Common clinical signs include decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Diagnosis is generally made with laboratory testing and/or abdominal ultrasound. Successful pancreatitis management will depend on early diagnosis and prompt medical therapy. The prognosis depends on the severity of the disease and the response to initial therapy.

  • Pancreas-specific lipase is a form of lipase produced only in the pancreas and is highly specific to the pancreas. Blood values increase only when there is pancreatic inflammation. A version of the cPLI test can now be used in-clinic (SNAP fPL© from IDEXX). Ideally, the sample should also be sent to the laboratory to get an actual value of cPLI to help with treatment and monitoring.

  • Pancrelipase is given by mouth and is used on and off label to treat exocrine pancreatic enzyme deficiency in dogs, cats, and birds. It is also used to treat fur balls in rabbits. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Common side effects at higher doses include diarrhea, cramping, gas, or vomiting. Do not use in pets that are allergic to pork. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Panniculitis is a localized inflammation of the tissues under the skin, causing a firm swelling (nodule) that may ulcerate and drain fluid. It is a common problem in cats and is less common in dogs. There are several causes of panniculitis, but in younger animals with a single lump, the cause is often blunt trauma and, in cats, it is often caused by bite wounds from fighting. An accurate diagnosis relies on the microscopic examination of tissue and the most common treatment is the surgical removal of the lump(s).

  • Chronic superficial keratitis (CSK), or pannus, is a potentially blinding disease affecting the cornea. Any dog breed can be affected by pannus, but it is predominantly seen in German shepherds, Belgian shepherds, and border collies. Diagnosis is based on medical history and clinical signs. Treatment involves using topical corticosteroids or other immune-modulating drugs. If diagnosed early and treatment plans are followed, many dogs can have a good prognosis and live a normal life.

  • Panosteitis is a painful inflammation of the outer surface or shaft of one or more long bones of the legs. It is sometimes called growing pains. Panosteitis is a condition that affects young, rapidly growing dogs. Panosteitis will be suspected if the patient shows pain when pressure is applied to the affected bone(s). The diagnosis is confirmed by X-rays, which usually show a characteristic increase in the density of the affected bones. Although this disease will spontaneously resolve, during episodes of lameness the condition is very painful. At these times, treatment is supportive, using pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs as needed.

  • Parathyroid tumors are uncommon in dogs and cats. Benign adenomas occur more often than malignant tumors. Keeshonds appear to have a genetic predisposition to developing parathyroid tumors, but no breed or genetic relationship has been established in cats. Pets may exhibit signs of lethargy, little or no appetite, vomiting, and muscle twitching. Diagnosis is confirmed with PTH testing and ultrasound of the neck region after hypercalcemia is observed on bloodwork. Surgery to remove the affected gland(s) is the typical treatment, but ultrasound-guided ablation may be pursued. Careful monitoring of calcium levels post-surgery is important, as some pets may develop transient hypocalcemia and require calcium supplementation. Prognosis is excellent, and the metastatic rate for these tumors is extremely low.

  • Paroxetine is given by mouth and is used off label to treat certain behavior disorders such as aggression, anxiety, and urine-marking. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Common side effects include sleepiness and decreased appetite. Do not use in pets that are allergic to it or other SSRIs, or pets currently taking MAOIs. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Parvovirus may affect dogs of all ages but is most common in unvaccinated dogs less than one year of age. Young puppies under five months of age are usually the most severely affected and difficult to treat. Clinical signs can vary but generally include severe vomiting and diarrhea; the diarrhea often has a powerful smell, may contain lots of mucus, and may or may not contain blood. Most dogs with CPV infection recover if aggressive treatment is used and if therapy is started before severe septicemia and dehydration occur.

  • Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a heart defect that occurs when the ductus arteriosus (an opening between the aorta and the pulmonary artery) fails to close at birth. A PDA is usually diagnosed when your veterinarian hears a continuous heart murmur during a routine physical examination of your puppy. This article explains PDA and discusses signs, treatment, and prognosis for this condition.