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Paint and Varnish Poison Alert for Dogs and Cats

What are paints and varnishes?

Paints, varnishes, and stains are available in a wide variety of formulations, many of which are dangerous to dogs and cats. Water-based paints include latex, acrylic, tempera, and poster paints. Oil-based paints are typically used where more durable coverage is required. Varnish and stains are wood sealants or pigments made from a combination of resins, oils, and solvents.

Why are paints and varnishes dangerous to dogs and cats?

Pets are naturally curious. They may walk through freshly painted or varnished areas and chew on or lick paint/varnish and supplies. If paint or varnish gets on the pet's skin, fur, or paws, small amounts can be ingested while self-grooming. They may inhale fumes if they are enclosed in poorly ventilated areas that have been recently painted/varnished or contain open containers of paint or varnish.

Lead-based paint is the most serious health concern in pets. Lead-based paints have been banned in the United States since 1978, but they are not regulated in all countries. Older buildings, painted products from non-regulated countries, and some oil-based artists' paints may contain lead. Ingestion of lead-based paint can cause gastrointestinal irritation, neurologic effects, and interfere with red blood cell production.

Poisoning most commonly occurs when pets chew on surfaces containing lead-based paint or ingest flakes or chips of peeling paint. While a single ingestion of lead-based paint can result in clinical signs, repeatedly ingesting dried paint is more likely to result in serious effects. Pets are often sentinels for lead exposure in the home. If a pet is diagnosed with lead poisoning, then the humans in the household should consult their primary care team.

In most cases, water-based paints are unlikely to cause more than gastrointestinal upset or skin irritation. Some latex paints contain low concentrations of ethylene glycol (anti-freeze). Ingestion of very large amounts of these paints can cause gastrointestinal upset, neurologic signs, and even kidney failure. Oil-based paints and varnishes contain solvents that can be inhaled into the lungs and cause difficulty breathing. Vomiting and diarrhea are also commonly associated with the ingestion of oil-based paints.

All paints and varnishes can release fumes that can cause respiratory and eye irritation when present in poorly ventilated areas.

How much paint or varnish is poisonous to dogs and cats?

  • A small taste or touch of paint is unlikely to cause significant clinical signs. Unless the paint contains heavy metals, it is rare that a pet would drink enough undiluted paint to cause serious poisoning. 
  • A chip of lead-based paint the size of a thumbnail can be enough to cause poisoning in dogs that weigh up to 20 pounds. Eating several chips of paint can easily poison a dog the size of a Labrador retriever. 
  • Pregnant animals or young animals are at a greater risk for lead poisoning.

What should I do if my dog or cat eats paint/varnish or inhales paint/varnish fumes?

If you suspect your pet has been exposed to paint or varnish, contact your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 animal poison control center, at 1-800-213-6680 immediately for treatment recommendations.

Never attempt to induce vomiting or administer medications to your pet unless instructed to do so by your veterinarian. Attempting to induce vomiting may cause paint/varnish to be inhaled into the lungs, resulting in much more serious complications.It may be helpful to rinse your pet’s mouth with lukewarm water, encourage your pet to drink water, or offer a small snack, which may dilute the paint or varnish in the stomach and reduce the risk of stomach upset.

"Attempting to induce vomiting may cause paint/varnish to be inhaled into the lungs, 
resulting in much more serious complications."

Paint/varnish on the skin or fur can be washed off with mild liquid dish soap or carefully trimmed with clippers. Do not use scissors to clip the fur, because you risk cutting the skin. Never use paint thinners, mineral spirits, or other products on the skin without consulting your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline first. These products can cause severe skin irritation and pain. In most cases, leaving some paint on the fur is preferred over causing further injury.

What are the signs of paint poisoning in a dog or cat?

Signs of poisoning depend upon the type of paint or varnish ingested. 

  • The most common sign is gastrointestinal upset. 
  • If paint or varnish is aspirated into the lungs, pets may develop breathing difficulties and a cough.
  • With very large ingestions of ethylene glycol-containing paints, pets may develop lethargy, neurologic signs, and changes in eating, drinking, and urination. However, the ethylene glycol concentrations in these paints are typically quite low and ingesting a poisonous amount would be rare.
  • Pets that ingest lead-based paints may have gastrointestinal upset, neurologic signs, changes in heart rate, and difficulty breathing.

How will my veterinarian diagnose paint poisoning?

Most cases of paint poisoning are diagnosed in pets that have the expected signs and a known or suspected exposure to paint or varnish. Radiographs (X-rays) may be needed to look for evidence of lead. Bloodwork may be performed to evaluate organ function, assess red blood cells, or determine lead levels.

Is there an antidote for paint poisoning in pets?

An antidote for most paint and varnish ingestion is not available or necessary. If lead poisoning occurs due to paint ingestion, drugs called chelating agents can be used to bind the lead and allow it to be removed from the body. In the rare case that enough paint was ingested to cause ethylene glycol poisoning, early treatment can prevent damage to the kidneys.

How should an animal with paint exposure or poisoning be treated?

Treatment for paint exposure depends upon the type and amount of paint ingested.

  • It is not recommended to induce vomiting following ingestion of paint and/or varnish. Vomiting increases the chance that paint can be inhaled into the lungs and cause difficulty breathing.
  • Pets that develop vomiting or diarrhea are often treated with medications to stop the vomiting and protect the gastrointestinal tract. 
  • If severe gastrointestinal or respiratory signs occur, hospitalization may be necessary.
  • In the rare case that enough paint was ingested to cause ethylene glycol poisoning, hospitalization would be needed, with specific treatments to minimize the risk of clinical signs. 
  • Treatment for lead poisoning depends upon the signs that develop and your veterinarian will offer symptomatic and supportive care. Drugs to bind lead and allow its removal from the body (chelating agents) are often necessary.

Can pets recover from paint poisoning?

Full recovery is expected following most paint or varnish exposures. Pets that develop lead poisoning or ingest ethylene glycol- containing paint may develop more serious complications. Even in these cases, the outlook for full recovery is good with early treatment. Delayed treatment can cause long-term organ damage and even death.

How can paint or varnish poisoning be prevented?

Store paint and varnish products in closed containers, out of the pet’s reach. Curious pets may explore containers and painting supplies. It is common for pets to chew through closed containers or chew on paint brushes and other painting supplies. Pets can get on counters or knock items off counters and tables. Do not assume a pet will avoid eating the paint/ varnish just because it has a bad taste. 

Do not leave paint/varnish or items coated with wet paint/varnish where unattended pets are present. If paint or varnish is spilled, confine all pets in another area of the home until the product has been cleaned up. Ensure the area where the paint/varnish was used is well ventilated and odor-free before allowing pets back into the area.

Pay close attention to curious young animals and especially cats who can jump and climb on higher surfaces. Home remodeling may expose lead-based paint dust and chips that these animals may ingest.

Prevention of lead poisoning from paint requires careful attention to the home environment. In older homes, be sure to remove any loose paint, paint, chips, or paint dust from areas to which the pet will be exposed. Home test kits to assess for lead paint are available. If lead paint is detected, consider a certified risk assessment to determine whether it is better to properly maintain the paint in place or completely remove the lead-based paint. Removal of lead-based paint should not be attempted without proper training and protection.

Pet Poison Helpline, an animal poison control center based out of Minneapolis, MN, is available 24/7 for pet owners and veterinary professionals that require assistance treating a potentially poisoned pet. The staff provides treatment advice for poisoning cases of all species, including dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, large animals, and exotic species. As the most cost-effective option for animal poison control care, Pet Poison Helpline’s per-incident fee includes follow-up consultations for the duration of the poison case. Pet Poison Helpline is available in North America by calling 800-213-6680. Additional information can be found online at

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